Northland road must be built says opposition

With the Government at Waitangi and Northern Mayors calling for answers, the Transport Minister needs to confirm whether or not this Government is committed to four-lanes from Auckland to Whangarei, says National’s Transport spokesperson Judith Collins.

“Transport Minister Phil Twyford continues to obfuscate and fudge but the message is clear – this Government intends to build fewer roads, and to spend more on rail in Auckland,” says Collins.

The minister says that the government should be focussing on developing “new and better roads that grow regional economies, improve our transport links and ensure our transport network is safer.”

With the road toll in Northland increasing to six just last week this issue is becoming more and more relevant.

The roads in Northland have long been underdeveloped and in dire need of some TLC.

The government have been quiet on the issue at this stage and while a four-laned highway between Puhoi and Warkworth is already underway the National government is urging the government to continue it though to Whangarei.

This is heavily supported by Northland mayors including Far-North Mayor, John Carter, who says that while he is very supportive of the Government’s plan to improve rural and regional roads he says that this should be in addition to main economic routes, not at their expense.

There are many unsealed and neglected roads around rural Northland that require immediate attention but the government should seriously consider the economic and social benefits from an extension of the four-lane highway through to Whangarei.

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